The following Infrastructure Gateways serve a number of Research Communities, Initiatives, and Projects, each of which having a specific scientific domain and dedicated Virtual Labs for Data-Driven Research
D4GNA Gateway, 2 VREs / VLabs D4GNA primarily hosts datasets related to archaeological research projects carried out under ministerial concession by the Italian Ministry (Articles 88-89 of Legislative Decree 42/2004, Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape) by universities, research institutions, and other institutional entities in Italy. However, it is also set up to receive and display datasets produced by Italian archaeological missions abroad. Through a text or map search, it is possible to view and query the basic registry of investigations, accessing reports, photographic documentation, plans, and related metadata. Gateway, 61 VREs / VLabs D4Science is a Data Infrastructure connecting +18000 scientists in 50 countries, integrating +50 heterogeneous data providers, executing +50,000 models & algorithms/month; providing access to over a billion quality records in repositories worldwide, with 99,7% service availability. D4Science hosts +175 Virtual Research Environments (VREs) to serve the biological, ecological, environmental, social mining, culture heritage, and statistical communities world-wide.
HDN Gateway, 1 VRE / VLab Based on the Semantic Web standards for building digital libraries, the Hypermedia Dante Network (HDN) project aims to establish a collaborative environment for a commentary of Dante’s works, with due attention paid to issues of language, style and intertextuality. Using reliable primary sources, the HDN aims at creating a digital library that will cater to a broad range of sophisticated queries, thanks to the use of ontology-based resource descriptions that allow reusing knowledge about existing resources. Indeed, ontologies are efficient means to represent scholarly knowledge about literary texts by using Semantic Web languages such as the Resource Description Framework (RDF). Primarily intended for scholarly use, the HDN will provide a digital tool that allows the users to access and explore the knowledge collected within the project. This tool will have a user friendly interface and it will be usable for educational purposes. To efficiently express knowledge about the authors cited or referred to in the text of Dante's works, the HDN digital library relies on previous, similar ontology-based applications such as DanteSources, which collects knowledge about Dante’s minor works.
I-GENE Gateway, 2 VREs / VLabs The I-GENE (In-vivo Gene Editing by NanotransducErs) project pushes the boundaries of efficient and reliable ways to make precise, targeted changes to the genome of living cells that is the long-standing and main goal of gene therapy and biomedical researchers. The I-GENE Gateway and its VREs are a ready to use web-based working environments specifically conceived to provide the I-GENE worldwide community with the needed facilities (services, data, capacity), in line with the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable) principles. The VREs provide an environment to foster large-scale collaborations where many potentially geographically distributed co-workers can access and process large amounts of data, also by promoting the public debate to support the design of a new strategy/technology for genome editing, ethically acceptable, sustainable and society desirable.
ITINERIS Gateway, 9 VREs / VLabs ITINERIS will build the Italian Hub of Research Infrastructures in the environmental scientific domain for the observation and study of environmental processes in the atmosphere, marine domain, terrestrial biosphere, and geosphere, providing access to data and services and supporting the Country to address current and expected environmental challenges. The main goal is to develop cross-disciplinary research in environmental sciences through the use and re-use of existing (or pre-operational) data and services and new observations, to address scientifically and societally relevant issues such as sustainable use of natural resources, implementation of Nature-Based Solutions, Green and Blue Economy, pollution reduction, critical zone and ecosystem management and restoration, carbon cycle, mitigation of the downstream effects of climate and environmental change.
NAVIGATOR Gateway, 5 VREs / VLabs NAVIGATOR project aims to boost 4P precision medicine in oncology by advancing translational research based on quantitative imaging and multi-omics analyses, towards a better understanding of cancer biology, cancer care, and, more generally, cancer risk. The project will deliver a technological solution relying on: an open imaging Biobank, collecting and preserving large amount of quality, standardised imaging data and related omics data in a secure and privacy-preserving model. Data will include CT, MRI and PET data for various tumour settings, clinical data from regional healthcare services, molecular and liquid biopsy data an open-science oriented Virtual Research Environment, available for medical researchers and general clinical stakeholders, to process the multi-omics data to (i) extract gold-standard and novel imaging biomarkers based on Radiomics analyses; and (ii) create and test digital patient models, through Big data analytics and Artificial Intelligence techniques, mining cancer phenotypes, stratified risks and responsivity to therapy.
PARTHENOS Gateway, 2 VREs / VLabs PARTHENOS is a H2020 EU Project (Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies). This gateway supports the project strengthening the cohesion of research in the broad sector of Linguistic Studies, Humanities, Cultural Heritage, History, Archaeology and related fields through a thematic cluster of European Research Infrastructures, integrating initiatives, e-infrastructures and other world-class infrastructures, and building bridges between different, although tightly, interrelated fields.
RISIS2 Gateway, 2 VREs / VLabs The H2020 RISIS2 Project is organised around 3 major dimensions and activities, namely (i) a front end, focusing on users, the ways they access RISIS, work within RISIS and build RISIS user communities. At the core is the RISIS Core facility (WP4). The core facility supports virtual transnational access (WP8) and is accompanied by all the efforts we do to raise awareness, train researchers and interact with them (WP2) and to help them build active user communities (mobilising D4Science VRE, WP7). (ii) A service layer that helps users organise problem based integration of RISIS datasets (with possibilities to complement with their own datasets), this entails the data integration and analysis services (WP5) and methodological support for advanced quantitative methods (WP6) and (iii) a data layer that gathers the core RISIS datasets that we maintain (WP5) and enlarge (WP9), the datasets of interest for which we insure reliability and harmonisation for integration (WP4), and the new datasets that we develop and will progressively open (WP10).