The Entity Linking tools by Acube lab

Welcome to the Tagme Virtual Research Environment. From here, you can access all Entity Linking tools provided by the Acube lab at the University of Pisa.

Entity linker, ideal for annotating noisy text.
Available languages: en, de, it
Entity linker, ideal for annotating well-formed text.
More accurate than TagMe, but still experimental.
Available languages: en
Entity linker for web search queries.
Available languages: en
Entity Salience service: assigns a relevance score to the entities mentioned by a document.
Available languages: en
OntoTagME is an Entity Linker that is built for working on biologically-relevant texts.
A comprehensive platform for biological knowledge network analysis.


On-the-fly knowledge network construction from biomedical literature.


Current and former members of this lab, who contributed to the development and deployment of these services, include Paolo Ferragina, Marco Cornolti, Francesco PiccinnoMarco Ponza, Ugo Scaiella, Daniele Vitale, Lorenzo Bellomo.

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